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Sexuality Talk

Regular encounter group with space for talking about any topic related to sexuality

It is not easy to have a meaningful discussion about sexuality. We can find a lot of information from all sorts of specialists on one side and derisive reactions of bad humour on the other side. That is why we at Person Center propose to create a group of people who would like to find a space where they can think and talk about their concerns concerning this delicate topic on a respectful and personal level.

Possible topics-For sure we will talk about what concerns us personally-

 Examples can be:

  • fears and bad experiences
  • expectations: are they fitting, helping, close to reality?
  • choice of partner
  • repeated behaviours we do not like ourselves
  • technical questions
  • what is normal?
  • how does the other gender really function


Some propositions about this group:

  • meeting regularly in order to build trust and understanding (if it fits for you with a minimum of 5 meetings for the beginning)
  • based on the person-centred principles of authenticity, empathy and acceptance (Carl R. Rogers)
  • total confidentiality about what is said in the group
  • we will talk about ourselves, our concerns and thoughts; if theories are exposed, we always explain in which way they concern us personally
  • the basic language is English, but sometimes it is not easy to express ourselves or understand others in a foreign language: in that case, we will help each other by explanation or translation
  • Person Center provides facilitator. As a facilitator Willi considers himself not a specialist knowing the answers, but a specialist in creating the atmosphere of trust and understanding
  • for this facilitation and the disposal of the room we propose a contribution of 600 CZK
  • we will find a time window that fits possibly everyone: 2 hours seems a good duration for the beginning and we can make it once or twice a month

If you are interested, please send a mail with your details and general availabilities during the week.

We here at Person Center would be happy to assist you.