Co-Founder of Person Center
Daniela is a psychologist and therapist trained in the Person Centerd Approach, PCA ( at PCA Institute Prague). Rogers’ thoughts have significantly influenced her life and approach in psychotherapy and other areas of interpersonal relationships. She actively seeks to promote the development and status of the Person-Centered Approach.
She is the author of Rogersovská psychoterapie pro 21.století (Rogerian Psychotherapy for the 21st Century; Grada,2010) and has translated the book Terapie zaměřená na člověka (Person-centred therapy in action by D. Maerns and B. Thorne; Grada, 2012).
She currently works at the university counseling center at the Czech Technical University (ČVUT) and has her own psychotherapy practice, working with adults, adolescents, and children. She offers supervision and teaches and trains at Person Center and PCA Institut Praha. She is also a trainer and co-founder of PCA playtherapy trainings in Czech Republic.
In 2015, together with her husband and PCA therapist, she founded the Person Center. Until May 2019, she was the head of the board of directors of PCE Europe, a network of European PCA associations.